Monday, September 22, 2008

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Not only is this the first day of the rest of my life, it is the first blog posting I've ever attempted. I congratulate all of you who are such experts in such a short time and got me hooked on it too. I still like to hold on to email as a major form of contact with friends and family. I don't see myself doing a lot of "blogging" because of lack of the time it takes to keep up with it. But I'll do my best. Maybe I can transfer some of my biography on the blog. Does anyone know if previous written material in Word can be transferred in this program? I see that it is possible to transfer pictures, so why not written material.

Who am I? I am basically a happy individual and seeing the positive and the good in all situations and individuals. I said in my profile that I am, who I am, meaning I don't blame anyone or any situation in my life as having "made me." I see some influence from without but in the end it is I who decide to be who I am. The free agency of man is much misunderstood. In the end as dust returns to dust to earth, it is a collection of our own doings, be it physical or spiritual. What the mind of man can conceive it can achieve. We are our own creators and arrive so at our final destination.


Tonja said...

Yay Grandpa! I am glad to see you've joined in on the blogging train! You are right, this is not the perfect source for mass communication, as you have less controll of who will look at your blog and when they will do it, BUT it is still a good way to inform people of the things going on in your life and learn about others that one typically does not e-mail about. I really think weather you read and/or post every day or twice a year, it is still worth the effort!

Goldielocks53 said...

Good job Dad! To me Blogging is like writing in a journal... emails are more like letters. I like the whole Bloggng idea, because I write what I "feel"... I'm not trying to communicate to anyone specifically, not trying to teach anyone, not trying to make a good impression... just jotting down my thoughts, my feelings, my trials and blessings... if no one reads it, or gets any insight from it then fine, it's great therapy for me! Since my Blog is my opinion and my feelings, no one should argue or question it... just accept it as the way I feel.

I love you and think it's great you're attempting to do this!